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Event Details
Instructor: Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan

Schedule: Friday, March 6th | 7-10 PM

Location: The Ritz Theatre
1148 E. Jersey Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07201

Tuition: $20 USD
"I was familiar with this story through the translation. But brother you have enabled us to appreciate this story in a new light with great insight, with lots to learn and build upon our imaan and aquida. Jazakallah brother and May Allah reward your family and the bayyinah team for this incredible work. "
"I had read this story many times, but listening to this story was an amazing experience. It was as though the words of the Quran became alive. I felt the emotions of Hazrat Musa and most important was the lessons that the story taught me. Super great work!and I hope the story nights will continue so that we may benefit from them."
Jazakumullawhu khayran. This lecture was extremely informative while being lightly entertaining at the same time. Brother Nouman succeeded in painting images in my mind, that will InshaAllah surely help me in understanding and remembering the subject matter to the best. Cannot thank you enough."
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